
China (Beijing) International Wallcoverings and Home Furnishings Exhibition

2025年3月6日-3月9日 北京 · 中国国际展览中心(顺义馆)

重磅 - 法国智奥会展集团与中国国际展览中心集团有限公司签署战略合作协议
2023-04-20 15:00:10


Beijing, China – April 6, 2023 – The President of GL events, Olivier Ginon attended the Fifth Meeting of the Franco-Chinese Business Council held at the Great Hall of the People. The meeting was held as part of the state visit of French President Emmanuel Macron.

The President of GL events, Olivier Ginon and The Chairman of CIEC, Lin Shunjie signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in the Great Hall of the People under the witness of France’s Minister of the Economy, Finance and Recovery Bruno Le Maire and China’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao.

Since 2019, GL events and CIEC share a joint strategy and cooperation in the “Building and Decoration” series of exhibitions. Through this strategic partnership, both parties will elevate their relationship and leverage their strengths and resources to achieve comprehensive cooperation and joint development in exhibitions and event business. As an important exhibition group in France and China, the two parties will strengthen cooperation in promoting exchanges and collaboration in the exhibition industry of the two countries, building an international exhibition brand and helping Chinese and French companies strengthen their international cooperation.

In the past 5 years, GL events have tapped into more than 15 cities with 18 branches in China, organizing more than 10 exhibitions annually and serving more than 10 venues in China. In the next decade, it will continue to expand its business in Asia, where China is a strategically important destination.

Next year will be the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations. GL events China will continue to deploy global superior resources to boost its 3 core business segments in China and create value for partners, customers, and all stakeholders.


法国智奥会展集团(以下简称“智奥会展”) 主席奥利维耶.吉农和中国国际展览中心集团有限公司(以下简称“中展集团”) 董事长林舜杰在中国商务部部长王文涛和法国经济、财政及工业、数字主权部长布鲁诺•勒梅尔共同见证下,于北京人民大会堂签署《中国国际展览中心集团有限公司与智奥会展集团的战略合作协议》。


过去的 5 年中,智奥会展在中国通过 18 个分支机构、业务覆盖 15 个城市,每年主办展会超过 10 场,并为10多个会展场馆提供服务。未来10年,智奥会展将继续扩大在亚洲的业务版图,中国是战略性的重点目的地。明年正值中法建交60周年。智奥会展中国将继续配部署全球优势资源,大力推进其三大业务领域在中国的全面发展,为合作伙伴和客户创造更大的价值。

GL events and CIEC Group signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement between CIEC and GL events 法国智奥会展集团主席奥利维耶.吉农和中展集团董事长林舜杰签署战略合作协议 

About CIEC

China International Exhibition Center Group Limited (CIEC) is an enterprise under the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), established in 1985, it is the first national exhibition enterprise in China that dedicated to the event specialization, internationalization, branding and digitalization of the exhibition industry. As pioneer in China's exhibition industry, CIEC is committed to building a domestic first-class and international leading exhibition service platform for its clients by adhering to the core value of Refined Practice, Perfection to the Best. Based in Beijing, CIEC owns over 20 companies with strong influence China wide and around the world. With the core business of "Venue Management, Inbound and Outbound Exhibition Organization and World Expo/Horti-Expo", CIEC provides the whole industry chain of exhibition services for clients.


中国国际展览中心集团有限公司(中展集团)是中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT) 直属企业,成立于 1985 年,改革开放总设计师邓小平同志亲笔为“中国国际展览中心”题名。作为国内首家致力于会展专业化、国际化、品牌化、信息化发展的国家级会展企业,中展集团秉承“精业笃行,臻于至善”的核心价值观,为客户打造国内一流、国际领先的会展服务平台。中展集团业务立足北京、面向全国、辐射全球,旗下拥有20 余家公司。由“场馆经营、组展出展、世博世园”构成的集团核心业务,为客户提供会展全产业链服务。

About GL events

GL events is a world-class leading provider of integrated solutions and services for events operating across the 3 major core divisions: Venues (venue management), Exhibitions (exhibition organizing) and Live (event services). Through its wide global network made up of more than 90 offices, with organizing over 300 exhibitions, managing more than 60 venues, and staging more than 4,200 events every year, GL events Group is a critical force for city promotion of 27 MICE destinations.



